Astrological Forecasts

Archive for October 29th, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

by on Oct.29, 2012, under Algol, Traditional Astrology

hurricane-sandy Sending love and prayers to our friends on the East Coast as Hurricane Sandy makes landfall.  I am hoping that this storm will be a repeat of the hurricane that hit New York last September.


This is especially chilling, personally, because it is but seven blocks west of the 48 story luxury high rise, which, at that time was still under construction.  It was my job to close up the models, which were the only apartments that were finished. Since I had access to the elevator key, and being quite  young and adventurous, I loved nothing more to go up to the higher floors and sneak out to the balcony of an as yet unfinished apartment and look down and out across at the great metropolis of New York from as high a floor as the elevator would allow me to step out onto, as the papers blew across the apartments, because the windows had not yet been installed.

I am still optimistic that despite the wind and storm surge that the damage from Hurricane Sandy will not take a huge amount of lives. My reasoning is that we were lucky to have an exceedingly benign Spring Equinox Chart.

The reason that I do not believe we will see an enormous death toll, despite Saturn smack dab on the New Moon chart set for New York, is that the lunation, is on the most beneficial fixed star in the universe, Spica. Let us pray that this is the case.

I will send up the charts, in a bit, but please pray that I am not out in left field on this one. Pray for everybody on the East Coast.  Update at midnight nyc, time. I understand that the lights are out and there will be no subway service for several days to come. The storm made landfall at 8:00 pm local time.  According to Marc Lavorgna,, the surge of water crested at almost 14 feet high at the Battery (the far south end of the Manhattan penninsula) and the waters are now receding at 9 feet. I am sorry to say that there are five deaths reportedly due to Sandy, which has now been downgraded from a hurricane to a superstorm. The good news is that reports of a fire at a hospital on Coney Island, are erroneous.

The first place we look to when forecasting or trying to explain great events of any kind, from weather to finance is the Spring Ingress chart. Generally we can set that to the capital. I tend to use New York City as the capital in many charts, because it was in presently flooded lower Manhattan that George Washington swore to uphold the Constitution, and where he fought his initial battle with the British for Independence.


The concept of prognosticating with Spring Ingress and all charts is based on the ancient concept of ‘ as above, so below. In other words, whatever happens down here  on terra firma is written well advance up in the heavens above us.  We look to the day that the Sun arrives at 0 Aries in the tropical zodiac, to ascertain what the coming events in any given year will be.  This date is known as the Spring Equinox, because the days and the nights are exactly the same length in time. It marks the beginning of the astrological year.

Right from the ‘get go’ we can see s that 2012 is going to be very unusual in the city that never sleeps, the Spring Equinox Chart’s Sun is associating with the planet of surprise, Uranus sits right there at the ground level of the chart, the 4th. Now, this is why, I am praying that the storm does not take as many lives as it might have. For evaluating deadly events, we always want to look to the 8th house, of death. In this case, using Regomontanus House Cusps, we see that the 8th house has Cancer on its cusp. Thus, the Moon will rule death and destruction. If we look closely, we will notice that the Moon is in Pisces. Since the Sun is in Aries, this indicates that the Moon is in its last days of light, what we call a waning Moon. A waning Moon is a weakened Moon. And thus, when it rules the house of the grim reaper, a dark Moon is a good thing to see. This is the first sign of hope for this storm. The next thing we see is that the Moon is in a cadent house, the third, where she joys. The Sun and Uranus conjunction, itself is in Aries a hot and dry sign, and yes, most of the country experienced the hottest driest Summer on record, but in New York City with Uranus placed at the ground zero, so to speak, we saw something different, flooding. This is because death and destruction, i.e., the 8th cusp, is ruled by a very wet Moon in Pisces, which is made even wetter by it’s conjunction with the planet of the seas, Neptune. It is this combination that brought this enormous tidal surge.

Why now? Well, one look at the previous New Moon set for October 15th 2012, in New York City will provide those ‘who are in the know’ about about that icy  ringed meanie, Saturn, the answer.


Notice that Saturn, the natural ruler of the grave, is situated smack dab on the cusp of the Ascendant. In mundane charts, the Ascendant rules we the people. Whenever we see Saturn in the first house, of any mundane map, be it Spring Equinox, to New or Full Moon Charts, we can expect trouble, and trouble Sandy brought.  And she is wet trouble because Saturn has just entered the wet sign Scorpio. Some might say, Saturn is not yet on the cusp of the first. Well, I refer you to the article below on the dark degrees.  Although Algol is on the cusp of destructive 8th house, I am praying that most of the people of New York will be okay when I wake up in the morning. I pray that South Node, also known as the Dragon’s Tail will hold Algol in check. We shall see in the morning. Please pray for all on the East Coast.

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