Astrological Forecasts

Heads Up! The November Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by on Nov.04, 2010, under Forecasts

Turkeys Leaving Town

November 2010
This month begins on a Monday (the Moon’s day) with the Moon in Virgo. It’s the next to the last month of the year, and a good time to get records, writings, and correspondences organized. Of course it’s probably impossible to organize it all, but if you chip away at the little bits, someone will appreciate it. Besides, it’s healthy.

Tue Nov 02 the Moon sextiles Mercury. The mind expresses things less harshly. Later the Moon opposes Jupiter, then opposes Uranus. Bounty may look like excess and innovation may look unbearably radical. The Moon then moves into Libra and we can end the day with some sense of balance and appropriateness. In the marvellous madcap U. S. of A. it is Election Day. There are many ways to vote, but only one is going to get counted today. We may not all get to participate, but as writers we all get to observe and then give voice to what we see.

Wed Nov 03 the Moon is in Libra all day, and conjuncts Saturn in the late afternoon. We get another month of Wednesdays with the Moon in the cardinal signs. It can only help us to get a grip on what projects we want to begin (and which ones we need to finish before starting new ones). Make the most of every Wednesday.

Thu Nov 04 the Moon is still in Libra when Venus reappears as the morning star. Love and beauty rejoin the living world. Plus, Mercury trines Jupiter. This should make it easy to come up with ideas. On the down side, it’s the day before the New Moon. Make that, the New Moon in Scorpio. Heads Up. Be cautious but not fearful, gentle but not too touchy-feely.

Fri Nov 05 is the New Moon at 13Sco. It’s the day of the Kali Puja, and the great dark mother does not look fondly on wimps. It’s a day to be strong, intense, powerful in a good cause, and no whining. Both Sun and Moon are in the final degrees of the Via Combusta. Heads Up all day. Write the non-trivial; speak your truth.

Sat Nov 06 the Moon is in Scorpio all day. Mercury trines Uranus, making wacko ideas more attractive than normal. Three hours later the Moon conjuncts Uranus, giving those wacko ideas even greater emotional appeal. That night, Neptune goes stationary direct. Normally not worth mentioning, today it means that we now have only three planets retrograde; in less than two weeks we’ll be down to only one. Hang in there. Soon the universe will regain some forward momentum.

Sun Nov 07 the Moon conjuncts Mars in Sagittarius. The abomination (yes, I’m biased) that is Daylight Savings Time comes to an end. Welcome back to Standard Time. Venus retrogrades back into her home sign of Libra. In this case, I’ll accept the two steps back to have Venus home for a visit.

Mon Nov 08 the Moon is in Sagittarius when Mercury changes signs and also enters Sagittarius. It’s starting to feel like a party, and Mercury and Mars know how to have a good time. Don’t get carried away, but enjoy the good aspects of this perky energy.

Tue Nov 09 the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Heads Up. The lunar north node is virtually conjunct all this, as well. Work does not have to feel like slavery, not for anyone. Done in the proper spirit, work can be downright liberating.

Wed Nov 10 the Moon is in Capricorn all day. It’s a classic ‘heads under the hood’ kind of day, the best way to get a lot done and to stay out of frivolous trouble (as opposed to serious trouble, which sometimes cannot be avoided). What you do today can have staying power and stand on its own merit.

Sat Nov 13 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius. Dream the dream of the people, only elevated. We can all use a little elevation.

Mon Nov 15 the Moon is in Pisces when the Sun trines Jupiter. Extra good luck, properly applied, can be a really great thing. Is it too late for me to say ‘we’re all in this together?’

Tue Nov 16 the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces, then conjuncts Uranus in Pisces. Think about some great good fortune of the heart, then spin it with something totally unexpected. The Moon then moves into Aries. This should prepare you for a solid day of writing tomorrow.

Wed Nov 17 the Moon is in Aries all day. Work on your own stuff.

Thu Nov 18 the Moon is in Aries when Jupiter goes stationary direct. I bet you thought that was never going to happen. The extra good news is, Jupiter is happy in Pisces and we get to enjoy this through the end of the year. Now, ready? Then Venus goes stationary direct. Amazing. The two benevolent planets are now direct. Perhaps things will go a little more smoothly and the daily grind will be less, ah, grinding. We now only have Uranus retrograde, and Uranus is contrary when it’s direct. It’s time to make hay while this sunny situation shines on us.

Sat Nov 20 the Moon is in Taurus when Mercury and Mars conjunct in Sagittarius. This is definitely starting to sound like a party. It’s also the day before the Full Moon. Open your heart and your eyes to the material goodness and beauty of the world. Tomorrow with the Full Moon, you get the chance to ask for something truly stunning and marvellous. Don’t be selfish about it. It’s a good day to write that outlandish ballroom scene.

Sun Nov 21 is the Full Moon at 29Tau. Don’t think greedy and selfish. Think beauty and gentle goodness. If it doesn’t start with us, then with whom? At the end of day, the Moon enters Gemini. The next two days belong to us, the people who communicate with the world through our words and art. One Heads Up, though. The Sun is in the last degree of Scorpio today and there often is some powerful parting shot from the planet. Be objective but not vulnerable to brutal self-criticism. Tomorrow the Mars powertrip ends when the Sun moves on into a sign ruled by Jupiter. But first we have to get through today.

Mon Nov 22 the Moon is in Gemini when the Sun moves into the sign of Sagittarius. Write, edit, submit, publish. If nothing else, do your blog. If you’ve been in the doldrums, today is the day to rebound. You are a writer because, yes, simply, because you write. No one can stop you but you.

Wed Nov 24 the Moon is in Cancer all day. It’s a day to get the house in order, or maybe it’s a day to get the office in order. Or get the kitchen in order (this can be research if you’re doing a cookbook sort of thing.)

Thu Nov 25 the Moon is still in Cancer when Mercury squares Jupiter. It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U. S. Wherever you are, listen to the stories being told and contribute your share to the conversation. What’s said today may be as wild and energetic as anything that Mark Twain fabricated. Take many mental notes.

Mon Nov 29 the Moon is in Virgo when Mars squares Jupiter. Small angers can be channeled into very effective plot complications. The urge to take big chances may be strong but the inclination to act may be mercifully small. (This can be an interesting character trait.) Venus changes signs and reenters Scorpio. This time, though, it’s different because Mars has moved on. It may be the time for some provocative art, not all of it classically beautiful.

Tue Nov 30 the Moon is in Libra when Mercury changes signs and moves into Capricorn. With Mercury in Capricorn, we can look forward to some serious work ethic. Take it as a good thing.

With all the challenges and difficulties, we can glean great insights and learn some incredible lessons, all worthy of being explored in something that we are writing. In the daily social madness that intensifies as the holiday season descends, the solitude needed to write can be downright therapeutic and sanity-saving. At least, that’s how it is on my planet. Keep your nerve, keep your courage, and keep your flag flying. Do the glorious work that only you can do. If you think that the world is in serious trouble despite our chugging along, well, it’s a sure bet that the world is lost without us. Heads Up!

3 comments for this entry:
  1. Deborah Houlding

    This is really excellent material – amongst the best almanac forecast material I have seen.
    I just wanted to thank you and let you know I admire your work.


    (And the same goes for this site and the wonderful work that Dorothy Kovach has been doing for so long now. She really is a marvel!)

  2. kathy watts

    Thank you so very much, Deb. Your opinion means a lot to me.

    Dorothy is doing magnificent work here on this site. I’m honored that she features my column.

    and, yes, the ebooks offered on this site are great resources, aren’t they?

  3. Dorothy Kovach

    Oh Deb, you are the nicest! Isn’t Kathy amazing! I never really believed a daily forecast could be so ‘right on’, but Kathy is a genius!!! And the truth is, you are the marvel, all you have done for Astrology world wide. For those who do not know, Deborah Houlding has THE best website in the world,
    appreciatively yours,

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