Astrological Forecasts

Heads Up! The Writer’s Astrological Almanac

by on Dec.02, 2010, under Forecasts


December 2010
Welcome to December! This month begins on Wednesday,  Mercury’s day.  Be flexible and expect it to be a lively month. We start with the Moon conjuncting Saturn in even-tempered Libra. Despite any cravings for miracles, we can still keep our feet on the ground and enjoy a realistic, practical month.

Thu Dec 02 the Moon conjuncts Venus in Scorpio. Beauty can be much much deeper than skin-deep. Happy Hanukkah.

Sat Dec 04 the Moon enters Sagittarius, to give us the New Moon tomorrow. This always rates a Heads Up. Let your stubbornness be expressed in some writing project rather than in some social exchange.

Sun Dec 05 midmorning is the New Moon at 13 Sag. Think beyond yourself and strive this month to see the bigger picture. Mercury conjuncts Pluto today. It may be time for some radical change in how you evaluate and think about things. Less than an hour later, Uranus goes stationary direct. Let this serve as a double reminder — Mercury will be going stationary retrograde later this week. Charge those batteries and back up those computers. Return phone calls and emails promptly; don’t put them off. It’s not too early for a preparatory Heads Up.

Mon Dec 06 the Moon conjuncts Mars in the end of Sagittarius. Everyone may be deep into massively playing the host. Remember when to be the gracious guest. Ten hours later the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Be calm and grounded in your work. Can’t you just feel the build-up of the oncoming Mars Pluto conjunction? (Mercury is going to be in the squeeze play, too.). A Capricornian Heads Up.

Tue Dec 07 the Moon conjuncts Mercury in Capricorn. Think organized, well-grounded thoughts. Maybe do an outline or project list. That evening, Mars changes signs and enters Capricorn, too. There is no shortage of energy for work that we love.

Wed Dec 08 the Moon is void of course in Capricorn almost all day, entering Aquarius at the very end. Work unmolested, and enjoy an enlightened, optimistic evening.

Fri Dec 10, Heads Up. The Moon is in Aquarius when Mercury goes stationary retrograde in Capricorn. Take all the time you need to express yourself, and allow others the same. Heads Up from now till the day before New Years Eve.

Sat Dec 11 the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius. Tis the season to celebrate with the people! Moderate the intake of celebratory substances, though,

Mon Dec 13 is a day of Heads Ups and conjunctions. The Moon first conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces. This is a happy, lucky, and powerful time. Then the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Pisces. Surprise someone in a good way, if only on paper. The Moon is now void of course when Mercury retrograde conjuncts Pluto (in Capricorn). This can produce a villainous frame of mind, rich in dark secrets. Put it into the appropriate character and not directly into your own life. Heads Up. One whole minute later Mercury conjuncts Mars. The mind can approach a fevered pitch. Let the ideas fly, hanging on to the choicest ones for future use. Resist arguments (except as plot complications). Heads Up. The grand finale comes three minutes later when Mars conjuncts Pluto. Anger and fierce opposition further little, except perhaps story line. You don’t want to overlook this. Drive carefully. Major Heads Up. Oh, and Happy St. Lucy’s Day. Be extra careful with those candles.

Wed Dec 15 the Moon is in Aries all day. Work with shameless glee on your own stuff. Brag or self-promote discreetly. This is a month of Wednesdays with Moons that flipflop between cardinal and fixed signs. Maybe we should be grateful for the variety.

Sat Dec 18 Mercury retrograde goes back into the sign of Sagittarius. Who knows but this might be good for submitting work to a new or different market. That evening, the Moon enters the sign of Gemini. This is often good for the word count. Write, read, discuss, network, and write from now till Tuesday.

Sun Dec 19 the Moon is in Gemini when the Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde. Why does it feel like it’s been like this all year? Heads Up. Some think that this aspect means that reason has been temporarily burned away and is absent from the world. Who knows but maybe it means that severe second-guessing can be briefly absent from the world. Enjoy fresh thoughts and impressions. Express them later.

Mon Dec 20 the Moon is in Gemini when Mercury retrograde squares Uranus. Don’t be too harsh on new and crazy ideas. Besides, readers like the unexpected. This is also the last day of the Sun in jovial balmy Sagittarius. Heads Up.

Tue Dec 21 we have the most powerful writerly Full Moon at 29 Gem. (It’s also a lunar eclipse.) Resolve to embrace something momentous and profoundly worth writing about. Midday, the Sun moves on into the sign of Capricorn. It’s the Winter Solstice. Happy Yule. Be brave and cast an ingress chart to get a peek at the next three months. A bit over an hour later, Mercury retrograde squares Jupiter. Accept any and all good luck graciously, and share.

Wed Dec 22 the Moon is in Cancer almost all day. Cherish the chance to work serenely in your home, or at least in your own mind and heart. And, even if it’s too late to bake cookies, it is never too late to eat them.

Sat Dec 25 the Moon enters sensible Virgo and trines the Sun. then trines Pluto. Heads Up in the best of ways. Calmly and humbly share your golden character and depth of vision with loved ones. Merry Christmas.

Sun Dec 26 the Moon is still in Virgo when the Sun conjuncts Pluto. This is often the most intense day of the year. Heads Up. Be kind to your blood pressure today. Virgo will help. Happy Boxing Day, St. Stephen’s Day, and Happy Kwanzaa.

Tue Dec 28 the Moon conjuncts Saturn for the second time this month. Heads Up. Saturn rules Capricorn, where the Sun and Pluto are right now. Saturn likes propriety, dignity, and reverence for what is old, tried, and true. Be respectful of Saturn and you may just have an excellent end to this year. It can happen.

Wed Dec 29, the last Wednesday of the year, has the Moon entering Scorpio. This might cast a serious deep shadow over your work desk, but there is a cosmic gift at the end of it all. Shortly before end of day Mercury goes stationary direct. We are given the opportunity to end this year (and start the next) being able to think straight. Heads up in a very good way.

Fri Dec 31 the Moon conjuncts Venus in the early hours. Have a beautiful dream and remember it. Later, the Moon trines Jupiter. Conclude the year awash in the good feelings of many people. Allow yourself to be encouraged on all fronts. Then the Moon squares Neptune. May at least one harmful illusion of the people be vaporized, or at least successfully challenged. Lastly we go out with an agreeable Moon trine Uranus. As the year closes, we are all urged to remain open, openhearted and open-minded to all good things. Would you believe, we have no retrograde planets. Forward!!

A very rocky year goes out on a civilized note. A lot of us have weathered, and are still weathering, some mighty fierce storms — finances, family, personal health problems — but here we are, still in love with beauty, with magic, with the whole wide world, with words. I don’t know about you, but my books are my children. My notebooks and computers are my babies.

And if we are not all madly in love with one another, well, how can we be? We’re artists! Writers! We each have our own eyes and our own hearts, and we see the world, each other, and ourselves, as no one else can see. It has been said that there are only a few basic stories to be told in this world, and perhaps that’s true. However, there are an infinite number of perspectives and ways to tell those same stories throughout space and time. Consider the simple image of mother and child. How fundamental and human can you get? Yet there is no end to how it can be represented — from the ancient Egyptian Old Dynasty depiction of baby Osiris sitting in the lap of Isis, all the way to Michelangelo’s Pieta.

In some odd way, we are all children, children of the world, and we have become storytellers as well as story-listeners. Have you ever heard a child say, “Show me a story”? No, it’s always “tell me a story.” They want it in words, in a human, caring voice. Sure, pictures are nice, too. But — it’s in the language, in words, and those words are in our hands and our mouths. They are asking us. The world is asking us.

Let’s give it to them!! Have a powerful, creative, unexpectedly brilliant and rich 2011. Heads Up!

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